Hamptons Sektioun
Entspaant am Stil an den Hamptons Sektioun. Snuggle zesummen an dësem wonnerschéinen, mëllen a komfortable Ustrengung.
Wéi fir d'Lounge kommen, de Filmraum oder souguer an Ärer nei Meeschtesch Schlofkummer, huet dësen Stull vu waarmt a Charakter zu all Gewierzer a virun der Buedem bréngen.
Schéin SMSen SERVORTT HOéiwe féieren un en Touch vun der Klass an der praktescher Holzläffen op dëst James ze beweegen.
Gréisst: 97cm x 104cm x 84cm
Si Gewiicht:40 mGS
Liwwerung: Versammelt, verpackte President 50 kg.
World wide Shipping! We have not had a country yet that we couldn't ship too.
For all "Made to Order' Products, once the order is placed with us, it will take about 10-12 days for the product to be made and packed before tracking is available.
Shipping is usually take about 7-9 weeks to be delivered to your door.
If you would like to discuss an express delivery option, please contact us and we can discuss the pricing with you depending where you are in the world.
We take care of all the import taxes, customs fees and local delivery.
If for some reason you do receive a bill or invoice, just forward that to us and we will deal with it.